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What is Spondylosis? Understanding the Signs and Symptoms Apr 20th, 2020

In Latin, the prefix “spondy” means “spine,” and the suffix “losis” means “problem.” In other words, spondylosis isn’t a diagnosis, but an indicator of spine trauma or degeneration that occurs with age. If you experience symptoms of spondylosis and seek medical help, you’ll probably get a more specific diagnosis such...

Common Causes of Knee Pain and How to Prevent It Mar 18th, 2020

Knee pain can occur at any age. Up to 1 in 3 young adults experience pain, stiffness, and weakness in the knee. In older adults, osteoarthritis, which can occur in the knee, is the biggest cause of disability. While knee pain is becoming more common, you have ways to fight...

Living With Fibromyalgia Feb 18th, 2020

Fibromyalgia is a condition that makes life an everyday struggle. It can cause pain, brain fog, and fatigue, and it often leads to emotional distress.  The condition is also hard to diagnose because there isn’t one marker that shows whether you have it.  In most patients, fibromyalgia appears when the...

Why Seeking Treatment for Neuropathy Is Important Jan 1st, 2020

Nerve damage can be very serious and can come from a lot of different sources. It’s estimated that at least 20 million people in the United States alone suffer from some sort of neuropathy or damage to the nervous system. Neuropathy can impact the body in different ways and can...

Remedy Your Sciatica and Prevent It From Returning Dec 1st, 2019

Have you ever had pain radiating down your back, into your hips, buttocks, and one leg? Then, you may be familiar with sciatica. Millions of people in the United States experience this debilitating condition. Diagnosis of sciatica usually involves a physical exam and an imaging test, such as an X-ray, MRI,...

What's a Herniated Disc and What Causes It? Nov 8th, 2019

Herniated discs are a fairly common condition. It affects women more than men, as well as those who are 35 to 55 years of age. While researchers haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact reason for this, understanding more about why herniated discs happen and how to prevent and treat...